Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jenny's Lisey's Story

I've been a huge Stephen King fan since my pre-teen years, devouring every one of his books (minus IT), as soon as I can get my little claws on them. With that said, I can usually read one of his books in less than a week and then I get bummed cause I blew through it too quickly & then I am left with nothin'! Until he writes his next one, that is :)

I started reading Lisey's Story on the plane to Creek & finished this 500+ page book over the weekend.

Two things about it -

  1. It gave me a nightmare one night. It's the first book since The Shining to have done so.
  2. I have incorporated some of the phrases from the two main characters into my every day speech. And it's creeping me the F out. You know how you & your spouse have words & phrases that you use together, that is intimate just between the two of you? Well this book has a good mess of those & I have totally found myself saying them - first it wasn't out loud but in my head & I would stop myself cause that's crazy talk, right? Then I couldn't help myself & have just started using them daily.
You know that this is a sign of fantastic writing when you adopt phrases into your vocabulary but since it's Stephen King we are talking about here, I'm a little weirded out by it. With the whole "horror story" & "love story" mix this novel has going on, I really don't appreciate those words sneaking their way into my brain and putting down roots. Especially since one of the characters is dead (not giving any plot away, that's on the back cover) & talking to his not dead wife (and here's the creepy part) - SHE RESPONDS TO HIM OUT LOUD.

So not only have I adopted this intimate language but it's intimate language between a ghost & his wife in a horror novel.

I just cannot believe that he got into my head that way & has stuck there. Trips me out!

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