Sunday, July 29, 2007

Bunk Ass IKEA Ghetto Scale

I knew that shit had to be wrong seeing as it had me weighing in at the SAME WEIGHT I was when I went into deliver my ONE YEAR OLD. But then the horrible, horrible thought came creeping in that maybe, just maybe, I had gained back the weight I had managed to lose & was in fact teetering near a very scary number in the scale.

This visit to Camp Carolina I remembered to get on the digital scale & turns out I have just about 7 lbs. to lose to be at my Pre-Pregnancy Weight - not that I even want to stay at that weight but at least I knew I wasn't at my Going to the Hospital to Deliver a Baby Weight still.

So, yes the scale at home is broken. Thankfully.

New Hair, Bad Picture

I got my hair cut & colored on Friday - I know I told Matias about 60256 times that I was doing this but it was just in one ear & out the other so he was quite shocked yesterday when I showed up with rather shortish hair & no more gray!

I got honey highlights & an amber glaze to go with my new Katie Holmes inspired cut :) I "did" it yesterday & it turned out quite well but of course, nowhere near as well as when the stylist did it...

Here's a really bad photo of it - I was sitting on the kitchen floor at my parents, with no flash, taking it of myself with a ONE YEAR OLD (I'm not sure when I'll get over that, fyi) - so maybe you'll get a better idea of it though :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Not totally insane!

I found my book!!!

It was underneath our bed on Matias' side also with my Body & Soul magazine - it's strange though because it was right on top of the magazine as if it was moved as a unit & not just pushed aside. My magazine was not beside my although I might be a little tinge of crazy, I don't know how it got there but at least I found it!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007



Baby Tomato! [does anyone else think of a joke in a movie when they hear/say "baby tomato"?]

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I don't know why this cracks me up the way it does.

But it does.

The following picture comes with a Warning

Do NOT look below if you cannot handle puke of the feline variety.

And also, please note that this is what happens when you are afraid of vomiting & continue to try and "get away from" your own act of puking while still puking

Hence the whole reason I took a picture of Monkey puke in the first place.

Actually this is the second picture of cat puke I've posted here, isn't it? wow. Wonder what that says about me?

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Will officially go insane soon.

If I don't find the book I'm reading.

I've been reading We are the Mulvaney for my Mommies Group Book Club & I am LOVING it. I read it every night before turning in & put it back on the floor beside the bed every single night.

Most of the time I take a book up to CT with me if I happen to be reading one at the moment. I remember mentally putting it on my list of Things to Pack but do not recall ever actually packing it. I didn't ever go to read it while we were in CT so I never saw it there. I unpacked the next day & all the bags have been emptied. I went to bed on Monday & wanted to read a little & it was not in its regular beside the bed on the floor spot where it belongs. And I cannot find it anywhere in the house.

It's not under the bed, it's not on any of my dressers or surfaces in the master suite, it's not in any bathrooms, or counter tops throughout the house, it's not in any bags we took with us at all.

It's gone. Just up & vanished. And I really want to read it. And it's driving me even more insane because I just have zero clue as to where it could be. I'm about to email my BIL to see if it's been spotted around the house, even though I'm 99.99% sure I didn't even end up packing it. It's just driving me bonkers. And if you think I could obsess about FIRST birthday cake plates, you should see me when I cannot find something.

Like my checks. My checks that I couldn't find earlier in the night on Monday BEFORE I couldn't find my book. My checks that I remembered the next day Matias was actually the last person to have on his person. And yes, they were in his bag but not my book. damnit. It drives me even more bonkers that I found another "lost" item but now not my book YET.

Cause, people, the only thing I have lost is my sanity.

and Kym, I just might have to borrow your copy just so that I can finish it!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

See how my garden grows

After being away from my hitch-hiking sunflowers & my adopted baby tomatoes for 5 days, I'm proud & glad to announce that the hitch-hikers have bloomed and the tomatoes have sprouted!!

How exciting!!

I've grown things! And they haven't died!

I'm also very pleased with myself that I remembered to ask the Babysitter (for the furry ones) to water the plants for us :)

I'll take pictures soon of my new sunflowers and my lone tomato growing on its vine.