Thursday, July 12, 2007

Will officially go insane soon.

If I don't find the book I'm reading.

I've been reading We are the Mulvaney for my Mommies Group Book Club & I am LOVING it. I read it every night before turning in & put it back on the floor beside the bed every single night.

Most of the time I take a book up to CT with me if I happen to be reading one at the moment. I remember mentally putting it on my list of Things to Pack but do not recall ever actually packing it. I didn't ever go to read it while we were in CT so I never saw it there. I unpacked the next day & all the bags have been emptied. I went to bed on Monday & wanted to read a little & it was not in its regular beside the bed on the floor spot where it belongs. And I cannot find it anywhere in the house.

It's not under the bed, it's not on any of my dressers or surfaces in the master suite, it's not in any bathrooms, or counter tops throughout the house, it's not in any bags we took with us at all.

It's gone. Just up & vanished. And I really want to read it. And it's driving me even more insane because I just have zero clue as to where it could be. I'm about to email my BIL to see if it's been spotted around the house, even though I'm 99.99% sure I didn't even end up packing it. It's just driving me bonkers. And if you think I could obsess about FIRST birthday cake plates, you should see me when I cannot find something.

Like my checks. My checks that I couldn't find earlier in the night on Monday BEFORE I couldn't find my book. My checks that I remembered the next day Matias was actually the last person to have on his person. And yes, they were in his bag but not my book. damnit. It drives me even more bonkers that I found another "lost" item but now not my book YET.

Cause, people, the only thing I have lost is my sanity.

and Kym, I just might have to borrow your copy just so that I can finish it!

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