Wednesday, June 27, 2007

5 Things to Get Out of Bed For

Taking the lead from Christina & Shades of Gray...

  1. the first cup of Tim Horton's coffee in the morning
  2. the hug I get from Liam when he gets into bed with us
  3. 2:45 nap time - enough time for a smoke before a Liam-Free General Hospital
  4. 2 happy cats who care enough about me to bug the shit out of me (as in not leaving me the hell alone!)
  5. watching my plants grow! As opposed to watching my plants die as that is what usually happens
Anyone else?


Nikki said...

1. Waking up next to my best friend every morning.
2. The thumping sound from the dog's tail as soon as he hear's me up and about.
3. A refreshing shower in my *almost finished* bathroom.
4. Good friends - not wanting to wait to see what they've emailed me this morning.
5. BIG flowers on my Zucchini plants.

Anonymous said...

#1, number one
#2, starbucks coffee
#3, cigarette (she said a bad word)
#4, read blogs
#5, solve my problems

Hope that gave you a bit of a laugh.

Auntie Jean

jennifer said...

Took me a minute to figure out what #1 was :) I hope you don't use blogs to solve your problems though!!

Anonymous said...

Solve my problems - I meant, when you goggle your problem, i.e. "shingles, pain" and sort through the 14,879 choices on the subject.

jennifer said...

ahhh Dr. Google, huh?