Friday, August 31, 2007

Sitting on top of the world with your legs hanging free

Tonight is the first night of GORGE. And we are missing it once again. And we had fantastic seats - 4th & 6th row. Sold them to Nate who was more than gracious about taking them off our hands.

I miss everyone that is there. I wish I could be there with them all. I'm over the moon that we were able to do Creek though - god, how I love that place.

But there's Feathers & The Park & the Venue to contend with at GORGE. Yes, it's always capital letters. GORGE.

And Amanda is there. And I think I need some quiet giggle time with her to set me right sometimes.

I'm sad but am trying not to dwelling cause dwelling doesn't solve shit. It doesn't even salve anything. Hoping this might get it out of my system though.


Anonymous said...

OK here I go. You'll probably never talk to me again but....Put on your big girl panties and deal with it! Just had to say it. Now I guess I'm in THAT book again! I understand! Love Mom

jennifer said...

Oh the big girl panties are on! I'm sitting here now, aren't I?!?!